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What is Executive Coaching?



We get asked this a lot. It's only natural since it's not something that we typically talk about or encounter in our everyday. So let's talk about it: An executive coach is a professional who helps leaders, executives, managers and individuals improve their performance.

Executive coaching can be one-on-one, or in a group setting for teams. A coach helps you identify what's holding you back from achieving your goals, and then designs a tangible action plan to support you in successfully experiencing those goals as reality. You don't have to go it alone when facing challenges at work or in life in general! An executive coach will walk along side you to keep you accountable to yourself, your plan and the goals you're working to achieve.


What an Executive Coach Actually Does

Executive coaches use their expertise and approach to expertly guide you in self-reflection and mindfulness so you can better yourself and keep sane in the face of any adversity in the workplace (and beyond).

The best coaches provide psychologically-based strategies for managing time effectively — giving you more energy to focus on what's most important to you.

How do they do that?

  • Assessments — Some (like our team her at ARC) start with credibly proven assessments that are rooted in behavioral psychology, these help you get a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. Others might use a variety of tools and techniques based in neuroscience and psychology to help you understand how your brain works when it comes to reaching goals, managing stress, handling relationships at work, etc.

  • One-on-one sessions — Performed with both individuals and teams — can be particularly helpful as it creates a tangible level of accountability for those being coached

  • Planning — They create an in-depth action plan that walks you through your coaching journey, the milestones you're likely to experience and what it will take to progress through each stage or area

If you're feeling stuck in your career or life, an executive coach can also get you moving again. They can provide eye-opening insights into why certain behaviors aren't working for you anymore (and what might be), all while offering suggestions on how to make shifts that will lead to positive changes in all areas of life — including work!


The Benefits of Getting an Executive Coach


Executive coaching can be one-on-one, or in a group setting with a team. Whether you're an individual or needing guidance as a team, keep in mind that coaching is a process that helps you identify what's holding you back from achieving your goals, and then designs a tangible action plan to support you in successfully experiencing those goals as reality.

Prime benefits of getting an executive coach:

  • Gives you a strong foundation designed for intentional success.

  • Empowers your ability to navigate any career transition, leadership development challenges, promotional plan and so much more with confidence.

  • Puts someone in your corner who knows you (and who will check you as much as they cheer you on) that will walk along side you to keep you accountable to yourself, your plan and the goals you're working to achieve.

  • Increases your earnings on the individual level as well as on the organizational level according to Harvard.

  • According to the ICF, 96% of individuals stated that they would repeat the coaching experience, expressing a profound level of benefit to the individual as well as teams and organizations.

  • Improves leadership skills in areas such as communication, motivation, goal setting, decision making and stress management.



One thing to remember when working with an executive coach is that it's important not just for you but also your team members who are part of this process — and this includes those who aren't directly coached by you!

This is because they will benefit from seeing how their leader has been able to change his/her behavior through coaching sessions, and thus, become more motivated themselves as well.

Executive coaching can be a powerful tool for improving leadership skills, and in turn, the performance of an organization. If your company has been struggling with its bottom line, or if you feel like there's room for improvement in your own leadership style, it might be time to consider bringing on an executive coach.

A coach helps you identify what's holding you back from achieving your goals, and then designs a tangible action plan to support you in successfully experiencing those goals as reality.


What Executive Coaching is Not

For all the things that executive coaching is, there are some elements that can blend into other types of coaching — like life coaching, etc. — so here are some ideas to keep in mind for not to expect from executive coaching.

  • A coach doesn't do the work for you; instead, they provide consistent guidance and solid support as you create an action plan tailored to your needs.

  • A coach is not a fairy godparent. Your goals should be realistic given where you are right now — and when it's time-bound (i.e., by next month).

  • An executive coach can not provide medical advice as they usually aren't licensed medical professionals. There will be some behavioral elements they will be able to give advice on based on your assessment data in comparison/contrast to your goals and action plan, but an executive coach is not a therapist and will not be able to provide professional psychological advice.

Essentially, an executive coach will challenge you to be the best version of yourself. However, there are limitations to keep in mind where — depending on your needs — it may be beneficial to get the right kind of help. Coaching is not therapy, but it can be an important part of your overall wellness plan if you are experiencing difficulty in your job or career. A coach will not tell you what to do; instead they will help you explore issues and then find solutions through self-reflection and reflection on others' perspectives (using the "360 degree" approach).

Executive coaching is a process that helps you get unstuck so you can better set intentional goals, stay on track and be more productive, efficient and effective in your professional life (and maybe even your personal one).


Essentially, executive coaching improves effectiveness and well-being at work by focusing on the individual or team dynamic.

All of this is a process. It's not a one-time fix, but rather an ongoing commitment between you and your coach. We act as your expert guide, working with you to develop real-life strategies that will boost you closer to achieving your goals.

The goal of executive coaching is not just to change behavior, but also to guide your development of new skills so that you can live and move at your full potential (in whatever role you play within your organization) — whether you're in the c-suite or in an entry level role or mid-level management.

If you're ready to experience positive changes and turn your professional life into reality, we're here for you. We are will work with you to discover what's holding you back from achieving your goals and then design a tangible action plan to support your success.



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