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ARC's Unique Approach to Executive Coaching




Impassioned leaders set the world on fire.

Think about your favorite motivational speaker, author, activist or business leader. When they are in their element, their enthusiasm is contagious. We listen to them. We latch onto their words, and we look forward to being in their presence because we know something insightful, interesting, and valuable will be passed on when we’re around them. We are drawn to strong leaders because they inspire us to be better. 

But within our own close circles and networks, how many will say that they’ve been directly impacted or influenced by strong leaders at their jobs?

For every person who loves their job, there’s an ocean of people who are miserable and looking for a way out. We need more people in positions of leadership who are willing to pour out their reservoir of knowledge and experience authentically so that others will be impacted and experience the freedom to become the best version of themselves.

Interestingly, it’s often those who’ve faced the greatest challenges and overcome them who secure a life and career they truly love and are inspired to share. Adversity is the crucible where great leaders are born. Having someone in your corner to help you navigate the road less traveled (especially when it gets bumpy) is where the best executive coaches shine. 


Improve collaboration. Enhance decision-making skills. Increase efficiency. Drive innovation and creativity like never before.   

Our experienced certified coaches work with teams of all sizes and backgrounds to identify areas for improvement, develop individual and team goals, and implement strategies for success.

With our unique approach and customized plans, your team will ace the skills and competencies needed to drive innovation and boost meaningful outcomes.




My Journey to Executive Coaching

Before I started ARC, I went through my own personal growth journey. The process of self-discovery was brutal, but walking through those challenges helped me become a more compassionate and thoughtful leader. The thing that brought me to my knees ended up being the catalyst I needed to become the best version of myself. 


Empathy First

Early in my career, my focus was on checking all of the right boxes. I had the right education, followed all the rules, and met all the markers of the company culture. I measured my success by performance and accolades, so I felt confident I was hitting all the required company milestones, but in the end, I was still laid off. This was devastating, but it was also a turning point that led to self-analysis and the uncomfortable discovery of the lens through which I viewed myself. My limited belief system had defined my path up until that point, and now I was face-to-face with that reality.

Through a series of lessons and deep introspection, I learned that I’d been working with a mindset of fear. I was a single mom and desperately wanted to provide for my young daughter, so I often walked on the broken eggshell of not being enough. Fear is always the gateway to self-sabotage because it locks us into serial thoughts that paralyze us and keep us from moving forward.

A narrow mindset can be crippling. I’ve experienced it myself, and it took a lot of soul-searching to break through the barrier and recognize my worth. I had to learn that empathy starts with me, and when I embraced myself fully, how I showed up in the world changed.

Vulnerability Even When it Hurts

When I experienced an unexpected layoff, I suddenly had to scramble to find a Plan B. Up to that point, I’d felt like I was in control, so now what? I didn’t want to ask for help. I thought it meant I was weak. It took wise friends and a close network of colleagues to demolish this lie. When I finally had the courage to ask for help, I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support. In a 12-week period, I secured over 140 interviews to help jumpstart the next phase of my career. 

I realized that if you work hard and do right by people, they will reciprocate. Showing others our true selves takes courage and can be scary, but vulnerability opens the door to trust and more authentic relationships. 

Always Lead With Transparency

Inclusion is in my nature, and being an encourager and connector is at the core of who I am as a servant leader. I love helping people, talking to them, and encouraging them to live their best life. This is what drives me and why I am passionate about leadership. I want people to realize what they're truly capable of and that when they have a goal, they can absolutely achieve it.

As an executive coach, authenticity is everything, so my goal is always to be true to who I am so that every client has the space to be their true selves. 


A Different Take on Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is a multibillion-dollar industry, and rightly so. Research continues to show the benefits, including a report by the Institute of Coaching that says "80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills."

Finding the right coach to help you navigate the twists and turns of life inside and outside of work is the pathway to great results. Although having the right credentials and coaching experience is important, the best coaches have been in the trenches of personal and professional development and have their own stories to tell. 

I’m convinced that what truly sets ARC apart from other executive coaching agencies in Atlanta is our compassion, attention to detail, and commitment to building great leaders through empathy, vulnerability, and transparency. 

Everyone deserves to live their best life. We are not a cookie-cutter agency, and our clients are not just another number. If you’re looking for executive coaching from someone who has been in the trenches of personal development and come out on the other side, let’s chat.



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