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The Top Qualities of the Best Executive Coaches and How to Select the Best Fit for You





By the time you start searching for an executive coach, questions like "how can an executive coach help me, really?" and many more like these have already been on replay in your mind. You’ve likely acknowledged your career blind spots and that certain aspects of your personal development fall outside of your purview. 

Whether you’re stumbling over shortcomings, trying to figure out how to fit into a volatile career landscape, or looking for the courage to step out on your own, at this stage of your career, you’re smart enough to recognize the value of an extra pair of eyes. In this blog, we're going to explore when it may be worth engaging an expert perspective like an executive coach's, what you should look for in the right coach for you and if this is even the right route for you.  




Executive Coaching: The Great Differentiator

It is often true that the higher your position of leadership, the tougher it can be to navigate all of the touchpoints that come your way. This is because a vertical climb necessitates that more people depend on you for leadership. The air can be a lot thinner at the top, so having an executive coach by your side to help you navigate the challenging terrain is a smart choice.

When selecting an executive coach, finding one with a proven track record, the right credentials, and great client reviews is a great place to start, but there’s so much more. Executive coaching is about you and your specific needs, so you want to find a coach who can meet you where you are, not with a bunch of "magic" formulas and fluffy promises. The coach that’s going to be the best fit for you will have the following qualities:


The best executive coaches are one part therapist, one part confidant, and one part mentor because they understand that every client is different and that every problem can have multiple solutions. 

"The key insight of a coach is to get you to believe that you can do something that you can't currently do today. And then when you screw up, they guide you to that excellence."

Eric Schmidt, Founding Partner Innovation Endeavors/Former Google CEO and Chairman


Anyone can give advice based on what they think will work, but only the best executive coaches can mentor from a place of personal experience and proven success. 


We All Want the Best Career Possible

When we begin our career journey, we don’t step into it thinking, "I’m looking forward to the best mediocre career ever!" On the contrary, high achievers have high expectations. So, when the ideal path to success takes a detour toward another destination or takes a lot longer than expected, we begin to shift uncomfortably in our office chairs. Our career suits start to feel too snug, and we instinctively look for ways to release the uncomfortable pressure. 

When this happens, we have two choices:

a) let out a button or two and settle into the discomfort until we’re no longer motivated to do more, or

b) seize the opportunity to find the help we need to get out of our situation.


Don't settle for mediocrity.

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Everyone Can Use a Great Coach

ARCSession_Colurwrk-23-minRegardless of your career stage, everyone can benefit from the expertise of a quality coach, but how do you know if executive coaching is the right fit for you?  For the purposes of this article, let’s take a closer look at career coaching vs. executive coaching. They both have value and fall under the umbrella of coaching, but they are two sides of the same coin with very different outcomes depending on where you are in your career. 

Career coaching: In career coaching, the focus is primarily on defining the best career path for an individual. A career coach helps you manage the trajectory of your career journey based on where you want to be today, tomorrow and 20 years from now. 

Executive coaching: In executive coaching, the focus is on developing leaders and is geared toward those who are already in positions of leadership and their teams. With executive coaching, it’s always about the end goal of creating a more unified organization so that the business and its leaders can grow. 

Are You a Candidate for Executive Coaching? 

The best way to decide if you are ready for executive coaching is to ask yourself the following questions: 

  1. Am I in a position of leadership, either in my company or as a business owner?
  2. Do I currently supervise a team, or will I in the immediate future?
  3. Am I ready to be coached? (Am I coachable?)
  4. Am I willing to hold myself accountable?
  5. Do I have the ability to invest financially in my professional growth?

If you answered "yes" to these questions, then executive coaching is likely a good move for you at this stage of your career. If you answered “no” to many of the questions, then perhaps career coaching is a better fit for you at this time. 

Are you on the fence about executive coaching? I’m happy to jump on a call to help you get clarity before making a decision. Even if I’m not the best fit, I’m happy to steer you in the right direction.



Invest in Yourself With an ARC Executive Coach and Experience Positive Change

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Our executive coaching services are designed to:
-Enhance your leadership skills and capabilities
-Improve your communication and interpersonal skills
-Help you navigate challenging work situations
-Develop your strategic thinking and decision-making skills
-Increase your productivity and efficiency
-Build confidence and resilience in the face of adversity

Make it happen with our experienced certified executive coaches.