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Female Leadership Empowerment: Tips to Overcome Your Biggest Challenges




Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.

— Marie Curie, physicist and chemist (1867–1934)



In every industry, field of study or social movement, there's a woman in there somewhere leading the charge.

Despite how far we’ve come, women still struggle to advance in their careers. We often navigate the murky waters of progress without a paddle, boat or even a life jacket. Sink or swim is the motto for many women in leadership who choose to take the path less traveled.

Considering the challenges that women in leadership face today, the statistics are not surprising:

For all of our accomplishments and proof that our success is not an anomaly, women still fall woefully behind in the numbers that matter.


Want to navigate your everyday work life with unwavering confidence? 

Respond to ignorant comments with intentional tact that inspires others to think and grow. Make yourself seen, heard and taken seriously. Boldly shed light on gaps that if filled would cultivate a more productive team.

All of this (and so much more) is possible. And we are here to guide you in making it happen.



Invisible Barriers Female Leaders Face

In the AAUW article, Barriers and Bias: The Status of Women in Leadership, the author points to an "outdated male model that shuts women out" as the main cause of women not reaching their full potential in the workforce. This can include old stereotypes, fewer connections, a lack of flexibility, and discrimination and biases.

What do these invisible barriers look like for women trying to attain positions of leadership?

  • Exclusion
    • Being shut out of important meetings
    • Kept out of certain circles
    • Left out of important communications or updates
    • Limited access to funding

  • Unconscious and conscious biases of others
    • Held to a different set of standards.
    • Scrutiny or undue attention based on gender
    • Demoted or fired because of pregnancy or caregiving responsibilities

  • Personal conflicts
    • Insecurity
    • Downgrading accomplishments
    • Work-life balance
    • Fear or failing or not measuring up


Whether we’re running our own businesses or climbing the corporate ladder, women have to operate within a set of unspoken parameters that we didn't create.

Yet, somehow, we still thrive — not because the road to progress is easy or because we've somehow managed to unlock the mysteries that are still whispered about behind closed doors.

We excel because we have no other choice if we want to succeed. We want more, so we figure it out. This is our legacy as female leaders.


What Great Female Leaders Bring to the Table

The winds of change are unpredictable. Sometimes they work in our favor and push us toward our destination. Other times, they push against us, challenging our resolve and making us second-guess our decision to set sail. This is the reality of the climate that we face on the road to success.

Despite the unpredictability, great female leaders have one special skill in common — navigation. With or without a map, experience has taught us to always expect the unexpected and prepare accordingly.

Here are just a few of the tools that female leaders have at our disposal:

  • "Victim" is not in our vocabulary. We understand that the world is unfair, which means that the value we give doesn't always land in the hands of those who will appreciate and honor it.
  • We don't shy away from calling "foul" when necessary, especially when our voice can amplify a message of equality, but we also understand that being on the receiving end of bad behavior is not a reflection of who we are or our capabilities.
  • We know that our worth doesn't consist of just our level of education or life accomplishments. It includes our ideas, our untapped reservoir of knowledge, and the awareness of who we are at our core.
  • Great leaders focus on vision, not circumstances. Life is a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. Keeping our focus on the end destination helps us to continue holding on when we'd rather jump off and call it quits.
  • We define ourselves. Ageism, sexism, and all of the other "isms" will continue to kick down through internal fortresses of solitude. How we define ourselves is the only definition that matters.

When we face our career goals from a position of strength and preparedness, unpredictability takes a back seat.

We can do this by:

  • Supporting others. Sisterhood is a big part of leadership success for women. An uplifting and supportive community can make all the difference when you need a push or a word of encouragement to move forward.
  • Focusing on our "why's." A strong "why" can be the catalyst for change or the motivator when times get tough. Hint: the strongest "why's" are outward-focused because they amplify our sense of accountability to others.
  • Recognizing our weaknesses and embracing our strengths. A great leader understands that her greatest strength doesn't come from doing it all but from knowing when to step back so that others in her circle can shine.




How Great Women Leaders Change the World

Having the right mindset is just the beginning.

Our journey is never really just about us. In the same way that we've been inspired by other women who've come before us, we have an opportunity to do the same for those who are just a few steps or generations behind.

Keep Moving

I've read many stories about women who overcame challenges to become women of great substance, character and leadership prowess. Not one said that success came easy or that they didn't get hurt or disappointed along the way. The common thread for all of them is that, despite their struggles, they felt compelled to move forward anyway.



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