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Leadership Development: 5 Steps For Becoming a Problem-Solving Leader



We've talked about this a lot: companies that value their people, invest in their people. Effective leadership development is the foundation for elevating your employees into great leaders.

It's been proven that companies with leadership development programs increase productivity, improve employee engagement, and drive innovation. But sometimes, your company just isn't there yet and have not put the resources in place to provide you the support you need to become the leader you want to be. So what do you do? In this climate, and depending on your professional and financial goals, you can't afford to wait any longer. It's time to take matters into your own hands and carve out your own future.

In this blog, we're going to look at how you can turn yourself into a problem-solving leader and embark on creating the future you've been envisioning for yourself.



What is Leadership Development?

First, let's explore what leadership development actually is, starting with the definition: leadership development is the process of identifying, developing, and nurturing employees who have the potential to become leaders within an organization. It involves providing training, coaching, and mentoring to help employees develop the skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to lead others effectively. Leadership development can take various forms, including workshops, seminars, online courses, coaching, and mentoring.

Leadership development is a crucial aspect of professional (and personal) growth, whether you are an aspiring leader or a seasoned executive. Sharpening the way you move through complex situations, readying your communication skills for anything and more — all of which create your overall leadership skills — will help you become a more effective problem solver, inspire your team, and drive success for your organization.


5 Steps For Problem-Solving Leadership Development

When you were a kid, did you ever try to fix something that was broken? If so, how did it turn out? Chances are the object remained broken or you ended up taking it to someone who knew what they were doing. This can be frustrating when dealing with an issue at work because there may be no one else that can really help — you’re on your own.

Leaders solve problems. It’s a simple concept, yet many leaders struggle to do it effectively — so you may be on your own but you're not alone. In fact, the ability to solve problems is often cited as the most important skill for leadership success, while also being the skill that tends to be missing the most.

But there is a way for anyone looking to become a problem-solving leader (even those who have been in the role for just a short time) to grow into amazing problem-solving pros:



Step 1: Identify Your Leadership Style

The first step is to identify your leadership style. There are many different styles, including autocratic, democratic, transformational, and servant leadership. Each style has its strengths and weaknesses, and it is essential to identify which style resonates with you the most. Once you've identified your leadership style, you can start to work on the skills and behaviors needed to align yourself authentically with that style — progressing you further into being a great leader.



Step 2: Develop Your Communication Skills

Problems are inevitable in every workplace, but effective communication is key to solving them. Leaders must be able to communicate their vision, spark their team, and provide meaningful feedback. Developing your communication skills will help you build trust with others and ensure that everyone is aligned around a common goal.

Here are some methods for leveling up your communication skills:

  • Attend workshops and read books on effective communication will help you master the art of communication.

  • Watch TED Talks and listen to podcasts that feature leaders discussing their thoughts on communication and leadership, then take notes and reflect on how they apply to your own situation.

  • Take online courses focusing on your communication skill gaps — you can find many on Coursera and Udemy, or consider taking a class at your local community college.

  • Practice active listening with a friend or family member by repeating back their points and asking if they are accurate. Once you get good at it, practice on random people in everyday conversations. Learn how to give feedback effectively. Find out what kind of feedback your direct reports need and deliver it in a way that helps them grow.



Step 3: Build Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage your own emotions and recognize and navigate the emotions of others. Leaders with high emotional intelligence are better equipped to handle conflict, build relationships, and empower their team.

Some ways to improve your emotional intelligence include:

  • Practicing self-awareness and how they affect your behavior is a great place to start. Write in a journal, take up meditation, get a coach or start therapy. Reflect on how you feel throughout the day and why.

    This will help with recognizing what triggers certain emotions or behaviors so you can handle them better if they happen again.

  • Developing empathy by actively listening and genuinely trying to understand other perspectives. Be aware of your own biases and how they impact the way you view others. (Active listening means not just hearing what someone is saying but showing them through your body language and thoughtful questions that you are present in the conversation.)

  • Managing stress by making time for yourself, getting a good night’s sleep, exercising regularly, eating healthy meals and taking care of your relationships with family and friends. This can include identifying what causes stress in your life, learning to manage it better and finding ways to relieve it. (Stress can trigger negative feelings and behaviors and make them worse.)



Step 4: Foster a Culture of Innovation

Problem-solving leaders are often the catalysts for innovation within their organizations. By fostering a culture of innovation, you can encourage others to think creatively and develop new solutions to problems. You can also do this by providing resources for ideation, championing experimentation, and recognizing and rewarding successful innovations.



Step 5: Continuously Learn and Grow

This is an ongoing process. To become a problem-solving leader, you'll need to continuously learn and grow. This can include attending conferences, taking online courses, reading books, and seeking feedback from your team. By continuously learning and growing, you can stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in leadership development.


Tips to Share With Your Company's Leadership

Although you're working on this for yourself and the positive changes you want to see in your own professional path, gaining support would still be especially beneficial to making this an easier process. You can begin by sharing your goals with your company's leadership and asking for their support. You may need to explain why this is important to you and what you hope to achieve by developing these skills.

When discussing your request for support, you can add these:

  1. A recommendation to the company's training budget

  2. The opportunity for you to participate in leadership development courses or conferences (either internally or externally)

  3. Increased access to senior leaders for mentorship and career advice

Sharing your goals can be daunting, especially when the support you need is not already in place for you to take advantage of. The good news? Companies that don't pour back into their people are becoming fewer and fewer. According to a report by Sounding Board, 41% of organizations say their spending on leadership coaching has increased from 2020 to 2021, and 45% reported no change. Less than 15% of organizations report a decrease in spending on leadership coaching. The report also notes that leadership coaching is becoming increasingly popular among organizations, with 95% of executives believing that coaching can help them develop their leadership skills. Additionally, a report by Forbes found that 87% of survey respondents agreed that executive coaching has a high return on investment (ROI). Another study by the Harvard Business Review found that middle-market companies that invest in leadership development can see significant dividends, including increased revenue growth and employee engagement.

With all of that progress, it is more likely than not that your organization will also join in the leadership development wave, if they haven't started already. 

And finally, it’s important to note that leadership development is often a process of trial and error.

You may have to try out several different courses or activities before you find one that offers the skills and support you need. You may also find that a particular course or event is not what you expected; it’s important to be open-minded about the process. If you are given the opportunity to participate in leadership development activities, take advantage of them!

In the same breath, this season of growth and change can be frustrating, but it’s important to persevere. If you keep at it, you will find yourself improving and elevating into the leader you've always envisioned. And if you need guidance and support from people that know exactly how to get you there, we're here for you.


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